Happy summer! Hope everyone is getting settled into summer routines. I plan on staying close to home, and primarily in the library. In June, I will be in Seattle for a week. Look for highlights of my experience of Vashon Island here. I will continue refining this website, so stay tuned...
For those enrolled in IDS 420, post weekly journal entries here. You are encouraged to read others' posts and add comments. I am encouraging those who are not enrolled in IDS 420 to stay in touch by adding your own posts and share comments.
Formatting Posts: Your entry title (for those in IDS 420) needs to begin with the week's number. For example: Week 1: (write whatever you like after the colon to describe your experience so far, or your choice of information).
In the body of the post, add the required weekly content indicated in the assignment. Add any images you like. Top left is "add:" and icons that follow. You can add a "link," an "image," a "video," a "code block" (associated with a video), and "slide show." The tool bar at the top will allow you to adjust your text, similar to any word processing program. For the best text alignment, click on "Format" down arrow and select "text alignment" and select "full."
Be sure and spell check! To do this, right click and select "Check Spelling." Spelling errors will show up underlined in red.
When you add an image, you can browse your computer. I suggest creating a "thumbnail image." As you add image, there is a line to create a "caption." Please add captions to all images in post. After clicking "save and close," you can always go back and modify.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure "published" and "enabled comments" are checked (see above right) so that others can view add comments to your post. Also, before clicking "save & close," click "categories" at bottom center and click on which week you are posting. Weeks 1 through 9 are listed.
I am reserving Monday mornings to read this journal. I look forward to learning what your summer internship experience is teaching you!
Mary Beth